Elon Musks estimated income
since you visit this site: US-Dollar

All figures are based on publicly available earnings and represent an average value rather than a specific figure.

Elon Musk was born in South Africa in 1971, immigrated to Canada at the age of 17 and later received his Bachelor of Science in Physics and Economics from the University of Pennsylvania in the USA. Today he is one of the most visionary entrepreneurs in the world. After moving to California and dropping out of Stanford University, he founded his first startup, Zip2, in 1995. Four years later, Musk managed to exit Compaq for $307 million. Around the year 2000, he founded Paypal together with other founders which was later taken over by Ebay for 1.5 billion US dollars. In 2002, Elon Musk founded the aerospace company SpaceX, his third company. SpaceX is currently flying transport flights to the ISS with the "Falcon 9" rocket. Furthermore, SpaceX plans to bring the first human to Mars by 2025 and make humanity a multi-planetary species. Elon Musk has also been co-founder and CEO of Tesla Motors since 2003. An automobile group with the aim of building electric cars for a wide audience.